School Subject Coder

The School Subject Coder was developed for the purposes of collecting senior school subjects of the LSAC Study Children (SC), due to the absence of either a national database of senior school subjects, or databases at the state/territory jurisdictional levels. The coder was administered for the first time in Wave 7, when the K cohort was 16-17 years old.  

We would like to acknowledge the AIFS Survey Methodology and Data Management teams for the development of this Coder, and the LSAC funder and partner agencies.

Legal Disclaimer

The Coder is not a licensed application. AIFS does not make any guarantees in terms of the accuracy and completeness, relevance, timeliness and coherent classification of subjects. It was designed at a point in time and every effort is made to update this product at each wave to accommodate further changes to curriculum and syllabuses in each jurisdiction. AIFS does not provide support to deal with any inconsistencies and inquiries about the Coder.

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