Alternative contacts

Have you been asked to be an alternate contact of a study member?
This page explains exactly what that means.

Teenager holding a skateboard and smiling at the camera

What is the Growing Up in Australia study?

Growing Up in Australia is a major study following the development of 10,000 young people and their families from all parts of Australia.

The study gives policy makers and researchers access to quality data about children’s and young adults’ development in the contemporary Australian environment and is used to help government plan future policies and services.

Growing Up in Australia is conducted in partnership between the Department of Social Services (DSS) and the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), with advice provided by a consortium of leading researchers. Roy Morgan is responsible for the data collection for the study. 

Why did I receive this information?

One of our study participants has nominated you as their alternative contact.

As a study participant’s alternative contact, you will not be asked to participate in the study directly. However, if we cannot contact the study participant, we may contact you and ask you to confirm their contact details, or pass on a message that we are trying to contact them.  

As the study follows the same people over time (it is longitudinal) we cannot replace participants. Therefore, it is important that we find participants who may have moved house or changed phone numbers and forgotten to tell us. To ensure that we do not lose contact with our study participants, we ask them to provide Growing Up in Australia with alternative contacts - that is you.

Because you have been nominated by a participant, your details will be kept on file until the next round of interviews. We will then confirm with the study participant whether you are still the primary alternative contact and update any contact details that may have changed. At any time, you may contact Growing Up in Australia to update or remove your details.

What if I don’t want to be contacted?

We will only contact you by phone or email if we are unable to contact the study participant. If you do not wish to be contacted, or require us to update your contact details, please contact Growing Up in Australia by:

Phone: 1800 005 508
Mail: Growing Up in Australia, Reply Paid GPO Box 2282, Melbourne VIC 3001, (no postage stamp required)

Privacy information

Further information on privacy in relation to the Growing Up in Australia study and the Growing Up in Australia Privacy Statement can be found at:
Website:  Privacy and ethics
Phone: 1800 005 508

Further information on privacy in relation to Roy Morgan including the Roy Morgan Privacy Policy can be found at:
Website: Privacy policy
Phone: 1800 337 332

Further information on privacy in relation to DSS including the DSS Privacy Policy can be found at:
Website: Privacy policy
Phone: 1800 634 035

Further information on privacy in relation to AIFS including the AIFS Privacy Policy can be found at:
Website: Privacy
Phone: 03 9214 7888

If you have a privacy complaint in relation to the Growing Up in Australia study, you may lodge a complaint by:
Mail: Privacy Officer, Roy Morgan, GPO BOX 2282, Melbourne, VIC 3001

For general advice on privacy you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:
Website: Privacy complaints
Mail: GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001

Alternative contacts

Teenager holding a skateboard and smiling at the camera

Download the Alternative contacts brochure [PDF, 1.1 MB]