Data collection modes by Wave

Summary of the data collection instruments used in each wave
Questionnaire Mode Completed by Indicator variable W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7
Face-to-face interview (F2F) Paper Parent 1 N/A BK - - - - - -
Face-to-face interview (F2F)
Computer Assisted Interview - (CAI)
Computer Parent 1 N/A - BK BK BK BK BK BK
Parent 1 during interview (P1D) Paper Parent 1 [*]p1dd BK BK BK - - - -
Parent 1 during interview (CASI) Computer Parent 1 [*]p1dd - - - BK BK BK BK
Parent 1 leave behind (P1L) Paper Parent 1 [*]p1scd BK BK BK - - - -
Parent 2 leave behind (P2L) Paper Parent 2 [*]p2scd BK BK BK BK BK BK BK
Child self-report (CSR) Computer Study child [*]csrd - K K B BK BK BK
Audio computer-assisted
self-interview (ACASI)
Computer Study child Need consent from: P1 [*]id40e & SC [*]id40f - - - K K K B
Computer assisted self-interview
Computer Study child Need consent from: P1 [*]id40e & SC [*]id40f - - - - - - K
Time use diary (TUD) Paper Parent 1 N/A BK BK BK - - - -
Time use diary (TUD) Computer Study child Need consent from: P1 [*]id40i & SC [*]id40j - - - K K BK B
Parent living elsewhere (PLE) Paper -
mailed out
PLE [*]plescd - BK - - - - -
Parent living elsewhere (PLE CATI) Computer/
PLE [*]plescd - - BK BK BK BK BK
Home-based carer (HBC) Paper Carer [*]hbccbc B B - - - - -
Centre-based carer (CBC) Paper Carer [*]hbccbc B B - - - - -
Teacher questionnaire (TQ) Paper Teacher [*]tcd K K BK BK BK BK B
Physical measurements (PM) Computer Study child Need consent from: P1 [*]id30d & SC [*]id30e BK BK BK BK BK BK BK
Who am I? (WAI) Computer Study child cid44a1 K - B - - - -
PPVT assessment (PPVT) Computer Study child [*]ppvtd K K BK B B - -
Matrix reasoning (MR) Computer Study child [*]id44a1 - K K BK B B -
Study child blood pressure (BP) Computer Study child Need consent from: P1 [*]id47a & SC [*]id47b - - - K K B B
Interviewer observations (IOBS) Computer Interviewer   BK BK BK BK BK BK BK
Executive functioning (EXEC/CogSTATE) Computer Study Child [*]id40m - - - - - K -
Parent 1 [*]id40n - - - - - - K
Event history calendar (EHC) Computer Study Child EHCEK16 - employment
EHCRK16 - resident living away
EHCSK16 - study
- - - - - - K

Notes: The indicator variable can be used to see if data is present or not for a particular instrument (for more information see sections 8.6 & 8.7). The [*] in the indicator variable should be replaced by the age indicator (a, c, d, e, f, g, h i) as discussed below. In-between waves were administered using mail out surveys for waves 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5. waves 4.5 and 5.5 used online web forms to update contact details.