Reconnect survey privacy information

What will happen with my data 

Growing Up in Australia collects information using a variety of methods including paper forms, online, telephone and face-to-face interviews. The study gives policy makers and researchers access to quality data, which is used to help the government plan future policies and services. 

If a person withdraws their consent, the study will no longer collect data from the person withdrawing. Data previously released to approved researchers will continue to be used and form part of the study. 

Where consent for data linkage has previously been provided, participants must explicitly notify the Study if they wish to withdraw their consent to any further linkage of their records. Data released to approved researchers and policy makers is de-identified (this means names, addresses and any other information that could identify you is not available). 

Data collected as part of this Reconnect survey will not be externally released, it will be used internally by AIFS to identify improvements for the future.

Who handles my data? 

The Department of Social Services (DSS) funds the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), to manage the study. DSS does not have access to personal information about survey participants. AIFS is responsible for survey design and implementation, data management and data linkage. The Growing Up in Australia team at AIFS also does not have access to personal information about survey participants. Roy Morgan is the research company commissioned to provide professional interviewers for the study. Roy Morgan requires your personal information to contact you to take part in the study interviews. 

If the organisation responsible for future data collection phases of the study changes, Roy Morgan will be required to disclose your information to that organisation. 

How will my data be stored 

To ensure your online survey information is kept secure, we use strong encryption technology. This means that the information you provide is only accessed by study team members authorised to do so. To protect your stored data, multilevel password protection is used on all electronic storage systems. Electronic versions of the data collected from participants are retained for the life of the study. 

How will my privacy be protected 

All providers involved in collecting the survey information adhere to the Research Society (RS) code of professional ISO 20252 standards and the Australian Privacy Principles (or APPs). Your information will be de-identified. All information that can identify you, such as names and addresses, will be removed. Strict procedures are followed by all agencies to ensure that all information collected is kept secure and strictly confidential. You can find further information on privacy in relation to the study, including the study’s Privacy Statement on our website 

Duty of care 

While in most circumstances we keep the information you provide strictly confidential, if you tell us you are going to hurt yourself or someone else, or you are being hurt, we will have to tell someone who can help you. If you tell us someone is hurting you, we might be required by law to report it. 

Accessing or correcting your personal information 

Under the Privacy Act 1988, you are entitled to access, or seek correction of, personal information held about you by the study. You can do this at any time by contacting the Growing Up in Australia study by: