Welcome participants!


We want to say a huge thank you for your continued support of the Growing Up in Australia study. Your participation is so significant and has ensured that the study is a leading reference source for Australian researchers and policy makers. To have data on the growth and development of Australians over a 20-year period is a huge achievement, and that is because of each one of you.  

We appreciate your time and the openness with which you welcome our interviewers into your spaces. Thank you for continuing to share about your life in Australia.  

Take a look at the Snapshot series to learn more about the discoveries made from your data. You can also check out the impact your stories are having in the media

Don’t forget to update your details so we can keep in touch about all the exciting things happening in the Study! 

Thank you, from the Growing Up in Australia team.

More information

Find out more about the Wave 10 survey

Support services

Download a printable list of Growing Up in Australia emergency and support services.

Your data's journey

Where do your answers go? Explore the journey of Growing Up in Australia data. 

Find out more

Support services

Emergency and support services - 343x216

If you are facing life issues, a crisis or an emergency see our list of services that can help [PDF, 167 KB]